Cafe Elliott Avenue
Phone: 045-664-5757
Open 11am-6pm (Fri 1-6). Closed Mondays.

This popular cafe serves a full range of espresso-based beverages as well as coffee-based cocktails. Coffee beans are imported every week from legendary Seattle roaster Espresso Vivace. Pastries and hot dogs round out the menu.
The shop's decor is vaguely Seattle-themed, and they are officially the museum cafe for the Yokohama Doll Museum, the entrance of which is located on a different floor of the same building. Like the museum, they're closed on Mondays, or Tuesday if the preceding Monday is a national holiday.
Yokohama Yamashitacho
Naka-ku, Yokohama, Yamashitacho 18.
横浜市中区山下町18 横浜人形の家1F
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