Creamy Georgian chicken stew, Uzbek-style minced-lamb pies, meat-stuffed Russian blinchiki pancakes - there's a world of exotic flavors to explore at this cozy dining spot near Meguro Station. Beverage options are equally diverse, ranging from Georgian wines and Armenian fruit wines (apricot and pomengranate) to Russian vodkas and jam tea.
The poetically named Herring in a Fur Coat is an appetizing starter - the natural fishiness of the herring is well balanced by the rich sweetness of grated beets. Georgian-style eggplant rolls stuffed with walnut paste are pleasantly salty, with the unusual walnut flavor providing an extra kick. And the Georgian Shkmeruli - a hefty portion of stewed chicken swimming in garlicky cream sauce - is simply magnificent. A side order of bread to help soak up the sauce is recommended.
Khachapuri Penovani is another revelation. Described on the in-shop menu as Georgian pizza, it seems closer in character to a grilled-cheese sandwich, but one held together by an excellent flaky pastry instead of bread. With its thick layer of gooey cheeses it ends up being more filling than expected.
The Uzbek portion of the menu is less fancy, with down-to-earth staples like Lagman noodle soup, Palov (a meaty pilaf), meat pies and Khanum, described as a "meat roll wrapped in chewy dough."
Drinks include Georgian wines (with several choices by the glass), Armenian wines, Armenian brandy, Estonian beer, fruit-liqueur cocktails, several types of Russian vodka, and vodka-based cocktails. Tasty home-made raspberry juice makes a nice non-alcoholic choice, and there are several other fruit juices and sodas as well as traditional Russian tea.
The narrow cafe-style dining room is decorated with Matryoshka dolls and various hats, with a long counter running along one wall to accommodate solo diners. English-language menus and service are cheerfully provided. Budget around Y3,500-6,000 for food and drink at dinnertime, or Y1,300-1,800 for lunch. Note that accordion recitals are held on some Wednesdays.
by Robb Satterwhite