Well-assembled tacos and Mexican regional dishes are the draw at this lively after-work taqueria, with the added bonus of comfortable outdoor seating when Tokyo weather cooperates. You can choose from nine varieties of taco, from traditional al pastor (marinated pork, pickled red onions and pineapple) and achiote (marinated chicken, guacamole and mole poblano) to crowd-pleasers like popcorn shrimp, ahi poke and Korean BBQ beef.
If you're putting together a full-course meal you can add on dishes like grilled beef brochettes, spicy pozole pork soup and of course guacamole with nachos. Drinks include standard and original cocktails (margaritas, mojitos, pisco punch), several mocktails, beers and budget-friendly wines.
Should you opt for outdoor seating you can order at the take-out window, at which point you'll receive a buzzer that will vibrate when your order is ready to pick up. You'll also be able to also order bottles of wine or other drinks separately from the terrace bar or from one of the other restaurants on the floor.
Note that the indoor dining room can get rather loud during peak hours such as Friday nights. Payment is cashless, so fill up your Suica card or bring a credit card. Tacos start at Y450 each.