Kuramae: Retail
Ambika (Kuramae: Retail)
Open 11am-8pm daily.
Sun: Open Sundays

If you don't have time to travel all the way to Nishi-Kasai to stock up on Indian snacks, bulk spices and prepared meals, Ambika is one of the biggest and best Indian grocers west of the Sumida-gawa.

You can browse multiple aisles filled with ready-to-eat meals - handy for when you don't want to cook, or when you want to add a quick bean-based side dish to your dinner. Frozen packs of paratha and paneer are convenient to have on hand, and the extensive selection of spicy Indian snacks is well worth exploring.

There's also a small fresh-produce section in one corner as well as a small Indian wine section. Ambika has two more branches - in Okubo and Nishi-Kasai - in case those locations are more accessible. Most items are also available online.

Taito-ku, Kuramae 3-19-2.

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Venue listing from Bento.com4 Star Rating: recommended