Hitachino Brewing Marunouchi
Marunouchi: Beer bar
Hitachino Brewing Marunouchi (Marunouchi: Beer bar)
Hitachino Brewing Marunouchi
Open 8am-11pm (Sun -10pm) daily.
Sun: Open Sundays

If you're craving an IPA from the popular Ibaraki brewery but don't feel like walking all the way over to Hitachino Brewing Lab on the east side of Tokyo Station, now you don't have to. This newer Marunouchi (west) side branch serves a lineup of ten Hitachino beers on tap and several more by the bottle, accompanied by a diverse snack menu.

Beers are priced from Y750, with three-part tasting flights running Y1,050. The bar opens at 8am, and they serve coffee and pastries in case you're not ready for a beer yet. Take-out service is available for both food and beer.

Although it doesn't have the same good view and lively atmosphere of the east-side branch, it does stay open an hour later, and Happy Hour runs from 8am-5pm. It's located next to the north entrance on the of the station, just past the sign reading "Passage to Yaesu Side."

Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi 1-9-1, Tokyo Station Gransta Tokyo 1F.

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Venue listing from Bento.com4 Star Rating: recommended