It's easy to get your daily ration of vegetables at Rojiura, with tasty soup curry bowls that incorporate up to twenty different seasonal vegetables, all of them listed on the dining-room blackboard each day. Curries come with your choice of vegetable-, soy milk- or coconut-based soup, and you can specify the degree of heat (from zero to ten) and the amount of rice (from none to a triple-size portion).
If you want to customize your experience even further, the "Samurai Matsuri" bowls give you a choice of three or four different toppings from out of the 25-30 on offer any given day, plus thirteen vegetables. Options range from lamb patties, lamb pot au feu, fried chicken, shirmp, and oysters to mixed mushrooms, cheese, and natto.
The bowls here are quite substantial and filling even without any rice. For example the chicken-kakuni soup curry includes a braised chicken leg with meat so soft that falls off the bone, a hefty portion of braised pork kakuni, and thirteen vegetables. The vegetable-based soup is on the sweet side, somewhat different in flavor from your typical Japanese curry, and the flash-fried vegetables are firm in texture and not overcooked.
The dining room is more like a trendy bohemian cafe than a counter shop, and the crowd is quite diverse. Prices average around Y1400 for a well-balanced bowl.