Argentine-style barbecued meats are the specialty here, served with reasonably priced wines in a friendly, casual setting. The three dinnertime set menus - each featuring a delectable assortment of grilled meats, smoked-meat starters and a few side dishes - are definitely the way to go. Even the smallest of these is quite filling, while the most deluxe option is hefty enough to induce a pleasant meat coma.
The basic set menu starts with a three-meat starter plate of roast beef, home-made pate de campagne and smoked bacon, plus pickled celery and potato salad with bacon bits and edamame. Next comes a three-cheese quesadilla; a big Argentine-style salad; and a main platter of grilled meats and crisp french fries.
The main course is served in a heavy custom-ordered metal serving tray from Uruguay which has space on the bottom for coals to keep everything warm over the course of the meal. It can take awhile to work through all this meat, and it's really nice that it doesn't go cold before you're finished. Just be careful not to touch the bottom of the tray.
Don Gaucho's chef grew up in Argentina, and he marinates and grills the various meats in traditional style, and smokes the bacon right here. Grilled meats are accompanied by a very flavorful rosemary-infused chimichurri sauce that he makes from scratch.
Wines are priced at a budget-friendly Y2300-5500 per bottle, and dinnertime set menus start at just Y1800 per person. Budget Y3000-4000 for food and drink at dinnertime, or Y790-920 for lunch.