With its wildly multinational food menu and over-the-top ethnic-restaurant decor, My TaBReW (aka "My Table") is a fun spot to grab a bite and a drink. And if you're a fan of craft beers, the tap list is well worth exploring. Small domestic breweries like Romantic Village, Locobeer and Kamikaze are well represented, and during a recent visit we noticed that six of the nine craft taps were devoted to hard-to-find limited-edition and seasonal beers.
Beers come in three sizes (200ml, 350ml and 580ml) and are quite reasonably priced at Y490, Y750 and Y990 respectively. The entertaining food menu is wide in range - tandoori chicken (topped with a poached egg), Thai sausages, Vietnamese spring rolls, mini-pizzas - but generally takes a back seat to the beer. Budget around Y3500 for dinner with drinks.