Phone: 03-3230-2593
Open 11am-2, 5:30-9pm (LO). Closed Sundays, holidays.
A yoshoku-style Hamburg steak with cheese, in hefty sizes ranging from 200-300g, is one of the best selling dishes at this popular steakhouse. The ground steak is served with mashed potatoes and turnip, covered in chives and bits of toasted onion, and drenched in a very tasty garlic-butter sauce that really brings out the flavor of the meat.
The menu also features regular beef, chicken and pork steaks and roast beef as well a few fried dishes and donburi items at lunchtime. The restaurant is spread out over two floors - the ground floor for smokers and the basement for non-smokers - and they do a lively lunchtime business.
Hamburg steak with cheese starts at Y1380 at lunchtime, Y1728 at dinner. No dinner on Saturdays.

Chiyoda-ku, Kudan-Minami 3-4-8, Paddy Homes Hitokuchizaka B1F/1F.
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