Date no Gyutan
Marunouchi: Japanese regional
Date no Gyutan (Marunouchi: Japanese regional)
Date no Gyutan
Open 10am-10pm (LO; Sun -9pm) daily.
Sun: Open Sundays

Charcoal-grilled beef tongue is the specialty at this branch of a Sendai-based chain. You can choose from miso or salt-grilled, or you can get a combination of the two - we recommend the salt as it brings out the charcoal flavoring better. The tongue itself is pleasantly chewy, and comes in thick-cut and extra-thick-cut versions, in regular and extra-large portions, all with excellent pickles on the side.

The minced-tongue tsukune is another highlight here, although we prefer it without the accompanying spicy dip. Other specialty dishes are a tongue nikomi stew and a classic yoshoku-style tongue stew with a rich demi-glace sauce, both of them showcasing very tender braised meat.

The drinks list offers seven kinds of local Miyagi-ken sake and New World and European wines. Budget around Y2000-3000 at dinnertime.

Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi 2-7-2, JP Tower Kitte B1F.
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Venue listing from Bento.com5 Star Rating: highly recommended