La Table de Joel Robuchon
Ebisu: French
La Table de Joel Robuchon (Ebisu: French)
La Table de Joel Robuchon
Open 11:30am-2:30, 6-10pm (LO) daily.
Sun: Open Sundays

Located on the first floor of the Robuchon castle in Ebisu, this is a much more casual version of the main dining room upstairs, with inventive modern cuisine and a reasonable wine list; prix-fixe lunch from Y2950 and dinner from Y7800.

The food is excellent, but the level of service is less impressive, and the dining room can get quite noisy.

Meguro-ku, Mita 1-13-1, Yebisu Garden Place.
東京都目黒区三田1-13-1 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス内
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Venue listing from Bento.com4 Star Rating: recommended