Yokohama Sta.: Belgian rest/beer bar
Cheers (Yokohama Sta.: Belgian rest/beer bar)
Open 4pm-midnight. Closed Sundays.

A quiet, out-of-the-way little bar with a good selection of Belgian and other beers. Draft beers include Baird (an excellent Japanese microbrew), Edelpils and Pedigree; there are also 30 beers by the bottle, mostly Belgian. Food is a mix of Belgian and British: mussels, frites, fish and chips, shepherd's pie. The basement space is pleasantly decorated, with several nooks and crannies at different levels.

Yokohama Sta.
Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Tsuruyacho 3-32-14, Shinko Bldg B1F.
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Venue listing from Bento.com4 Star Rating: recommended