Traditional kamaboko fish cakes are the unlikely, yet logical, subject of this specialized museum run by a company that makes fish cakes. Most people seem to be here for the 50-minute, hands-on classes in fish-cake production (in Japanese; Y1500), but if you haven't booked a class you can just stroll around and admire the exhibits and peek into the big open factory kitchen.
The small exhibit area includes a wall of fish, showing off the various species that go into kamaboko in Japan. There are also some interesting looking wooden molds for shaping kamaboko. Check out a few more antique fish cake-related tools, and then you're pretty much done with the museum exhibits.
Don't leave yet though, without checking out the surprisingly well-stocked museum shop. You can browse through fish- and kamabooko-themed plush toys, towels, postcards and novelty key chains. There are fish card games and picture books for the youngsters, and CDs of kamaboko-related music.
The next building down from the museum, in front of the train station, is a large gift shop complex run by the same company. Here you'll find numerous stalls where you can sample and take home some delicious fish cakes and other local food and drink. There's also a cozy kamaboko bar, and upstairs from the gift shop is an all-you-can-eat kamaboko restaurant (daytime only).
The museum and gift shop are located next to Kazamatsuri station, along the route to Hakone just seven minutes from Odawara station.

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