Kobe Croquette
Phone: 078-321-7010
Open 11am-6pm daily.

The main branch of the famous Kobe Croquette chain serves some of the best croquettes in town. Rather than being mostly potatoes and crust, the hotate-shrimp croquettes are a nearly solid block of seafood surrounded by a thick and pleasingly crunchy coating. Seasonal corn croquettes are another standout.
There are a couple of tiny tables where you can wait while they're being prepared to order, and either take them home or eat them here while they're fresh and piping hot. They don't seem to mind if you grab a beer from the liquor shop next door to accompany your meal (as the elderly couple at the next table were doing).
Chuo-ku, Kobe, Motomachi-dori 2-4-1.
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