This flagship branch of the Hogoken group of rescue-dog cafes is an engaging place, full of friendly, enthusiastic dogs that are happy to meet new visitors. Grab a spot on one of the sofas, order a drink, and make some new canine friends from among the twenty or so residents. There's no cover charge other than your drink order (coffee is around Y600), but you can optionally buy some doggy treats to give out.
You're also free to visit the cat room in back, although most of the cats here are in cages, so it's not so interactive. (Hogoken also has an all-cat branch in Namba, called Hogoneko, which is set up more like a standard cat cafe, where you can play with and pet the cats if they're willing.) Besides offering adoption services, Hogoken has turned into a sort of community center for local dog lovers, and the cafe is generally pretty well populated by visitors.
See more photos and details at Animal Cafes.com.

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